The best adapters!
Works great with the new wider Green-Board Tortoise connectors!
Connect Tortoise switch machines to our Touch Control System or any other without solder! Stripped wires from 14 gauge to 22 gauge firmly connect with just a screwdriver to wire-clamping screw terminal connections. A sturdy socket with gold plated slide-on contacts pushes easily onto the Tortoise PC board. Our sockets are provided with the correct slot width to ensure a snug centered placement on the Tortoise contacts with no “slop”. Easy to remove slot filling spacers for the latest Tortoise machines with wider card connectors.
Our design has full access to screw terminals without removing the adapter. Easier to install, easier to see, and easier to adjust.
Adapters come with contacts for all eight wire connections, with terminals for the Tortoise motor and on-board switch contacts.
Our Custom Snap-in Socket Spacers are also available separately for folks who already own the original pre-2017 wide-slot blue Sullins sockets.
(Tortoise machine shown is not included)
Important News:
The latest production of Tortoise machines are shipping from Circuitron with green PC boards and wider connectors. Our sockets are fitted with slot-narrowing spacers for older machines. These may be easily removed to fit the newest generation of Tortoise machines.
We now offer adapters without spacers to fit wider Green-Board Tortoise machines (6 packs only).

Standard wiring order for the Tortoise Switch Machine

Re-ordered terminals of the Berrett Hill Adapter
Important Note: Our adapters have a different connection order than the Tortoise. No matter how you think of it, the original Tortoise contact order is hard to get right, especially upside down and backwards working under the layout
Our motor connections are at the center of the terminal strips.
Our switch contacts are the outer three contacts on either side. In our adapters, the common contact is in the center of each group of three. The left contacts are to the left and the right contacts are on the right. This order seems neater, easier to remember, and makes them consistent with the terminal order of our other products.
Legal stuff: This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer (lead). Unused or retired products should be recycled properly or may be returned to Berrett Hill for disposal in accordance with RoHS standards.
The Tortoise switch machine and trademark are property of Circutron.
We manufacture our products in the USA. Orders over $140 include free shipping to US addresses.