Many of our products have a number of options. Be sure to choose the best option for you from the pop-up menu at the bottom of the page next to the "Add To Cart" button.
12v Power Supply
Power for Direct Control Boards (up to 24 Tortoise Machines). Several Direct Control Boards may be plugged together in a series to share a common power supply. Imported component. US plug. Customers who would like to use larger or centralized power supplies may use our Terminal Power Adapter. Alternate 12v supplies must be switching or filtered More Info »
3-Pin Extension Cables
Extension cables for Berrett Hill Touch Controls, Low Power Plugin Kits, Relays, and Servos. More Info »
Contact Spacers for Sullins Sockets
A package of 12 sets of clip-on spacers for the ends of pre-2017 Sullins edge connectors that properly center the socket in the socket of a Circuitron brand Tortoise switch machine. These are the long awaited solution to poorly fitted edge connectors on the popular Tortoise switch machine. These are the same spacers we created to More Info »
Direct Base for Tortoise machines
Ideal for Tortoise and other stall-motor machines, low power lighting circuits and other 12 volt uses up to 60ma. We offer just the Bases, or a Panel Package comes that comes with either 2, 4, or 8 Touch Toggles and a 2, 4 or 8 output Base. Our Direct Bases each have pairs of wire-clamping screw terminal outputs. The terminals More Info »
Multi-Input Adapter with Memory Option
Our Multi-Input Adapter makes two or three Toggles indicate and operate as one. Touch a Toggle on one panel and a matching control in a second panel throws too. The indicators on every Toggle will always show the same color: Add a second panel on the opposite side of a peninsula or module. Control an in-between More Info »
Powered Tortoise Adapter
Our Powered Tortoise Adapter is a handy problem solver for modules and distant Tortoise motors. Tortoise machines are most commonly controlled using our Direct Base Systems which handle multiple machines from a single base. This Powered Tortoise Adapter mounts right on a Tortoise! So easy to mount and wire - It's a single Tortoise powering control base built More Info »
Signal Adapter for Tortoise
This adapter powers LED signal lights from our Direct Base polarity reversing stall-motor power. The easy-to-wire adapter can power either common-cathode (negative common) or common-anode (positive common) dwarf or other two light route indication signals. Our Signal Adapter will also work with any stall motor supply, decoder, or hard-wired switch connection. The Signal Adapter may More Info »
SMAIL Translator Adapter
This controller mounts right on a SMAIL! It's easy to mount and wire - It's a Touch Toggle translator built right into a socket adapter. Just connect DCC power to the easy-wire terminals, plug in the Touch Toggle, and push the socket onto your Smail Turnout motor. The Touch Toggle is connected right at the turnout, so wiring More Info »
Tortoise Easy-Wire Terminal Adapters
The best adapters! Works great with the new wider Green-Board Tortoise connectors! Connect Tortoise switch machines to our Touch Control System or any other without solder! Stripped wires from 14 gauge to 22 gauge firmly connect with just a screwdriver to wire-clamping screw terminal connections. A sturdy socket with gold plated slide-on contacts pushes easily onto the Tortoise More Info »