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Our new Reverse Follower Adapter will throw a turnout when a train activates your auto-reverser. A two wire connection gives your reversing loop automatic “Anti-Derail” operation.
A Walthers Machine Adapter brings Touch Toggle control to any Walthers Switch Machine.
Our simpler Matrix Element joins our Matrix Controller 8: Set a route through your track work with just a single touch.
Touch Toggles: the replacement for the toggle switch.
Touch Toggles are a system of Touch Controls which are easy to install, easy to use and affordable. Pre-engineered modular touch control parts let anyone build a control panel that plugs together. Make your own custom panel using tools we all know how to use: scissors and tape!
Touch Toggles are small illuminated tablets that sense your finger’s presence from behind glass, paper, or plastic. Touching our standard Touch Toggle changes its indicator from green to red, and back again with the next touch. The circuit turns on and off, or the switch machine moves back and forth. Momentary controls are available that operate like a door bell push-button. All the toggles plug into one of our control bases that provides power and operates any connected device. Use different control bases for different types of devices.
Touch Toggles are great for making control panels for model railroads, electronic projects, or other artful human interfaces without the complication and clumsy “hardware” look of traditional hard-wired mechanical switches and indicator lights.
Here are more details about Touch Toggles.
The Mini-Cup Toggles
Our Mini-Cup Touch Toggle is a one piece Toggle and mount. Available with either one-light or two-light indication. Look at all the details here! The Mini-Cup Touch Toggle is ready to go; Just pop it into a 1″ hole through any material.
Touch Triggers
Control RR-Cirkits LCC, Tam Valley Depot Controllers, and Digitrax new 70 series devices. Elegant panels or facia controls for many systems.
Route Control
Set all your yard turnouts by just picking a destination track! Use our new Matrix Element or Matrix Controller 8
Click on most BOLD words to read more on that subject:
Watch the Video of a Touch Toggle Installation
The full detailed description of the Touch Toggle System
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Contact us with questions at or 443 527 6320.
We have posted our product instructions! For now they are in a scrolling list: unsophisticated but functional.
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Choose the Right System:
Real-Switch Relay Systems
On and off? Relays provide real switch contacts for traditional circuits. Each Real-Switch Relay System Base use Touch Toggles to control SPDT contacts that can switch up to 10 amps of AC, DC, Track power, or low power signals. Save when you purchase a Real-Switch Relay System Package including the Touch Toggles.
Direct Base Systems – for Tortoise and Stall Motors
Ideal to operate Tortoise, or any stall motor switch machine. The Direct Base provides reversing power with just two wire connections to each Tortoise. Team them up with our Easy-Wire Tortoise Adapters for a fast solder free installation.
Powered Tortoise Adapter
This POWERED Right-On-The-Machine driver is a great problem solver where you don’t want to use a Direct Base. It combines a socket Tortoise adapter and a powered Tortoise controller. Often used for modules, or distant turnouts, this adapter is self powered and operates without any base unit. The Touch Toggle plugs right into the adapter. The adapter can get its power from DC or a DCC bus for the least wiring possible!
** Please review our Direct Base Systems for the simplest and most commonly used Tortoise system
*** Use our UNPOWERED Easy-Wire Tortoise Adapters for a solder free socket installation for a second machine at a crossover or with our Direct Bases.
3-Wire Twin-Coil Snap-Action System
Operates twin coil three wire type machines like Atlas, Bachmann, NJ, and Peco. Our innovative design has charge management to make sure every snap is a good snap. Bundle a base with Touch Toggles for the best package deal.
The 2-Wire Snap Bipole System
For Kato, Rapido Trains and European 2 wire coil machines. The same sophisticated power management as our 3-wire system with reversing polarity 2-wire outputs.
Servo Control System
Some modelers are looking to Radio Control type Servo Motors to throw switches and for animation. These motors used to steer RC cars and planes offer a powerful, adjustable, and inexpensive alternative to traditional switch machines. Our Servo Control Bases control servo motors for 2 position operation. Every servo driven by our system can be seperately adjusted for start position, stop position and speed! Save when you order in a Servo System Package with all the Touch Toggles included! (Review our Setting Up and Adjusting Servos page for all the fine print.)
Universal Translator – Links Toggles to DCC decoders or computer control.
Now Touch Toggles can control and properly indicate DCC controlled turnouts; Our Translator is fluent in the language of many different types of decoders. More Info on Universal Translator
Matrix Controller – Route Control for the rest of us
Operate your whole yard by just picking a track. Set all your turnouts instantly with the touch of a Toggle. See at a glance which routes are open and which are obstructed. Easy to add to new or existing installations.
Control Other Systems
Touch Triggers plug in for local operation of Digitrax new DS70 series decoders.
The Walthers Machine Adapter gives Touch Toggle control to any Walthers Switch Machine.
Our SMAIL Translator/Adapter lets you plug in one or two Touch Toggles to operate Circuitron SMAIL machines in an easy-wire adapter.
Operate Tam Valley Depot’s servo control systems or Digitrax 70 series stationary decoders with Touch Triggers. Just plug them in for panel or fascia Touch controls. We offer Mini-Cup Touch Triggers for a clean fascia mount installation.
Our MR Servo Kit uses Touch Toggles to operate MR-Servo units by Iowa Scaled Engineering.
Our Touch Toggles play well with Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, and 5v logic interfaces.
Use Touch Toggles in your own electronic project. Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, TTL and CMOS logic
Our tour of what happens inside the Touch Toggle now includes notes on controlling Toggle indication in your code. This is a handy advanced technique to help with route control and other techniques that need to change Toggle indication without touching.
Our Third-Light![]()
is a great solution for how to display CROSSOVERS.
This adds a green panel light to any two-light Touch Toggle for a Green/Red/Green row of lights.
Our plug-in solutions for controlling Wyes and two new ways to operate Three Way Switches are available as simple plug-in devices!
Just In: A control to safely operate turnouts transitioning from 2 track to 3 track mainlines! Our “W” Route Adapter.
Easy-Wire Tortoise Adapters!
The very best for LESS! Big easy to wire clamping terminals and a removable socket so you can wire your connections in your hand, and not upside down under a table. Our reorganized terminal order makes the Tortoise wiring order more logical and so much easier to remember. All the soldering is done for you! Make your Tortoise brand switch machines a lot easier to wire!
>> Watch the video with Berrett Hill’s Kevin Hunter installing the system on Joey Ricard’s Trackside Scenery layout.
Take a photo tour of an installation of a typical Touch Toggle control panel
Our Easy-Wire Tortoise Adapters greatly simplify wiring Tortoise switch machines!
We offer an Undertable Servo Mount to make it easy to operate model railroad turnouts with common radio-control servos.
Our In-Table servo well mount. Use a hole saw to install in wood or foam, and there’s no under table work! Paint and disguise with scenic ground cover to really hide the installation.
Solutions for over sensitive Touch Toggle packages
Contact us with questions at or 443 527 6320 ( 9 – 5 eastern ).
We are proud to offer products by Berrett Hill made in the USA.
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